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Race Results - RaceCals Pro Late Models - May 19th

Scott Mader

Updated: May 22, 2023

May 19th, Findlay Stadium Stateline Speedway

The RaceCals Pro Late Models ran two 50 lap races on Friday instead of one 75 lap race. One of the 50s ran as the first feature and the second one as the last feature. Racers were generally excited about this new approach and we should be seeing it again this year.

We had a solid car count with 15 cars.

  1. Terry Auckerman 22

  2. Riley Ayala 41

  3. Justin Dunagan

  4. Dave Garber 93

  5. Nick Gibson

  6. Braeden Havens 5

  7. Kasey Kleyn 1

  8. Keen Meeks 51

  9. Scott Murphy 77

  10. John Newhouse 26

  11. Jason O'Neil 29

  12. Haeden Plybon 55

  13. Zach Riehl 7

  14. Mathew Schoen 28

  15. Aleena Schovaers 45

The first race winner would take home $1,000 and the second race winner would get $2,000. The fans learned about this change right after the pro late pit meeting because the racers were given a chance to agree on this new format. It was clear that they were excited to see the change.

In qualifiying Haeden Plybon got the pole with 14.020 followed by Nick Gibson and then John Newhouse.

The invert was drawn and Haeden pulled a two essentially swapping positions with Nick.

The first 50 lap race was definitely a contest between Nick Gibson and Haeden Plybon with Haeden eventually pulling away. Braeden Havens was close behind for 3rd.

For the second race the order was decided by the first race so once again Haeden chose for the invert. And once again he picked a two.

The second 50 lap race started out pretty much the same. Nick and Haeden battled it out for a second until Nick pulled ahead and then made a clear statement as he cleared the rest of the pack. This was a well-deserved win for Nick as he had had a couple near wins at Stateline in 2022.

Also well deserving of a podium finish was Kasey Kleyn who took second. We have all watched this racer grow over the past year and it is really incredible the improvements he has made. Expect to see him on the podium many more times to come.

Finally, Braeden Havens took third again. If he didn't already have a nickname I might suggest "Mr Consistent" since that is such an important trait to have these days. While it was supposed to be Jess piloting the #5 Killer B Racing car, he is still recovering from an ankle injury earlier in the year. Braeden ran for him to help keep Jess alive in the points while he recovers.

That is it for today's report. We look forward to seeing everybody at the race track. We will be publishing the RaceCals Pro Late Model schedule here soon in case you'd like to purchase a ticket for the next race.

In the meantime check out for all Findlay Stadium Stateline Speedway ticketing and event information.



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